Service & Maintenance
Regular servicing and preventative maintenance
All cranes need regular inspections to comply with law. But regular servicing and preventative maintenance will help the lifespan of a crane and hopefully stop sudden failure which leads to call out charges and a stopped production line.
If you require just an annual service or if you are looking to discuss about enrolling onto a bespoke maintenance plan, we at Ultimate Lifting Solutions can offer a competitive price to cover both and more if required.
We try to make it easy and offer a bespoke maintenance planner showing what service or inspection work we are performing – Due to our organised internal service record system, will contact you a few weeks beforehand to organise a date that suits your production timescale.

The ULS Service
Our full intensive multi-point checklist enables inspection of both mechanical and electrical components such as Brakes, Contactors, limit switches and wheels. All parts will be adjusted or lubricated accordingly. After completion of work, a report will be issued outlining any additional work required due to defects found with suitable recommendations for repair or renewal.